Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Do Unto Others

I am becoming increasingly fed up with people in nyc for numerous reasons. I've made a list...this is the short version but covers a multitude of offenses.

1. Rude
2. Loud use of the "f" word while on the sidewalk
3. Oblivious
4. Egocentric
5. Unfriendly-aside from elderly women who have no problem striking up a conversation with me at any time (this happens often)

Perhaps you are reading this a thinking to yourself that I am too eager to complain about such things. One must understand that I only bring this up after bearing witness to these accounts every single day that I have lived here. I consistently see grown men getting on the bus pushing past women who are carrying a lot of groceries, pregnant, or with children. So many times I have crossed the street with baby in the stroller and need to go up the sidewalk ramp. People stand right in the middle of the ramp and if I say excuse me, they look at me like I have 4 heads. That's another thing to add to my list. In my opinion, people should look at someone walking with a baby and give them courtesy on the sidewalk. Many times I will be walking in a straight line full speed ahead and people will cut me off and walk right in front of the stroller, Luckily for them I am kind enough to stop and not completely run over them. I am perfectly capable of opening a door while pushing the stroller although able-bodied persons who enter or exit a store before me feel no need to stick around for 5 seconds and hold the door. I would hold the door for a person not pushing a stroller! I'm not saying they should roll out the red carpet just because you have a baby, but some common courtesy would be appreciated. I guess the problem in the first place it that's it's not so very common at all.


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